Netty's Landscaping LLC - Bring Your Home Alive Today!

Netty’s  Landscaping LLC is a local landscaping company servicing the western slope of Colorado. We are founded upon the core belief of integrity and honesty. Netty’s Landscaping is changing the way people see landscapers with the expansion of services and opportunity's offered. Whether its refreshing the look or adding a new aspect to your home, Netty’s Landscaping has you covered.


What Sets Netty’s Landscaping Apart?



Netty’s Landscaping is based out of Grand Junction, Colorado. Netty’s Landscaping keeps the small business feel through staying family owned and operated.

Not Just Maintenance

Netty’s Landscaping offer’s its clients many options to expand their services. From Smart LED outside lighting to yard servicing, Netty’s Landscaping has something for everyone.


Netty’s Landscaping Prides itself in the relationships we build with customers. We want to build a time lasting relationship and bring beauty to your house. From our warranty on our Smart LED lighting to tips on how to help your yard grow better, Netty’s Landscaping is here.

Ready to Refresh Your Home?

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